Iomega Properties Screen

Property Screens provide detailed information about the selected drive, the disk in the drive, the adapter to which the drive is connected (where applicable), and the computer. The Iomega properties screen contains both drive and disk information. You can set the drive sleep time, run a diagnostic program, or set disk protection from within the Iomega property screen.

Drive Section

The Drive section gives you detailed information about a selected drive. Here you can:

  • get information on the type of drive that is connected, the driver that is being used, the version of the software that is installed
  • set the Drive Sleep Time
  • use the Diagnostics tool to see if the drive is functioning properly

The Drive Sleep Time sets the amount of time the drive must be inactive before it will spin down to conserve energy. (A drive that has spun down will automatically spin back up when needed.) You can change the drive sleep time by clicking on the up and down buttons. Changes in this setting take effect immediately - you do not have to restart your computer.

Clicking the drive icon next to Diagnostics starts drive function tests and reports "Passed" or "Failed."

Disk Section

The Disk section of the Iomega Properties Screen gives you detailed information about the selected disk in a drive.

Important Notes on the "More Info..." screen:

  • If Disk Life indicates Marginal, the disk is approaching the end of its prime. In this case, move the data to a new disk and use the old one for less active service, such as archiving.
  • If Format Life indicates Long Format Recommended, it does not necessarily mean anything is wrong with the disk. Usually flagged sectors have just exceeded a reasonable level. However, remember to move the data before formatting. (To re-format the disk, use the format tool and select the Long Format option.)

You can also set disk protection and make a disk non-removable from the disk section of the Iomega property screen.

Make Disk Non-Removable is sometimes required either by software installations to the disk, or by software running from the disk. This tool allows you to make a removable drive look like a hard drive to the system when necessary. When the Make Non-Removable option is selected, the disk in the currently selected drive will be set as non-removable until the setting is changed back or Windows is restarted.

Click the box next to the message "Make Disk Non-Removable," to make the disk non-removable.

Accessing the Iomega Properties Screen from IomegaWare

  1. Open the IomegaWare program (See Starting IomegaWare for detailed instructions).
  2. Click on the appropriate Iomega drive icon in the IomegaWare window.
  3. Choose Properties from the drive-shortcut menu.

Accessing the Iomega Properties Screen from My Computer or Windows Explorer

  1. RIGHT mouse click on the appropriate Iomega drive icon in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. Choose Properties from the drive-shortcut menu.